High Station in Turmus
Ubarate Roles
➺ Scribe Caste related leadership positions appointed by the Ubar, Regent or High Council only. Head Scribe is able to recommend candidates when elections become open:
âž½ Chief Magistrate: highest ranking judicial officer of the Ubarate, who possess jurisdiction over civil and criminal law. Presides over the high court, overseeing magistrates, praetors, litigators and court clerks. The High Magistrate is the law advisor to the Administrator and High Council. High Magistrate is appointed by the Administrator and High Council.
âž½ Chief Ambassador: highest ranking diplomatic officer of the Ubarate or Administrator, who represents Turmus in all matters such as alliances, passage and trade with other Cities. Ambassadors and Diplomatic Office Staff are granted diplomatic immunity and personal safety while traveling to other cities. The Chief Ambassador is the diplomatic advisor to the High Council. High Ambassador appoints and supervises ambassadors and Diplomatic staff. In charge of all diplomatic matters of Telnus, safe passage, military alliances and commercial trade in partnership with the merchant caste traders and warrior caste ambassador.
âž½ Chief Census Officer: runs the Census office of Turmus, supervising census scribes and clerks. In charge of the citizenship process and collection of records from prospective citizens to legalize their presence in the City of Turmus. In partnership with the Chief Archon of Records.
Please consult with the Ubar, Regent, or other respective government officials about these roles.